We were required to find a shop that would be willing to display our work. We are going to advertise our exhibit by creating a 'photography trail' which would include all the participating shops logos on a map, which would be handed out during the Bath fringe festival. 'Fresh' cafe have expressed an interest in displaying my work in their store so i attended a meeting with the owner to discuss possible ideas. We discussed the space available and decided on 10 images that I would be required to frame myself.

Karen Jones seemed keen on the idea of portraits to be displayed on the walls of her shop so I experimented with both digital and film photography in the town center to take photographs of performers and other people.
This is one of a series of images that I have taken, which could be used in my shop. I feel that taking images of random people in town would look more authentic than if i used models in a studio, and be more appropriate as it would also be adverting the area.
Basic information has been found out but more detail would have been helpful