Tuesday, 17 May 2011


I must hold an exhibition of my work in a local shop in bath. We are working in conjunction with Bath Fringe Festival by holding our exhibition at the same time and handing out maps with the locations of the classes separate shows. I have handed out letters to many possible locations for my show including Shakeaway, Vintage to Vogue and many coffee shops. I am going to display my photography within the shop in a way that the owners want them, which may be in frames that they can display permanently, or on foam boards so the display can be removed after the exhibition. A way that i have dried to attract shop owners to allow me to display my photography is to point out that advertising my exhibition will automatically advertise their business and will bring in potential customers.

What genre/ style/ theme of photography will you be producing for the show project?
I will be producing a series of black and white photographers for both of my clients. My personal client, Fresh, require 6-10 black and white portraits using digital photography. These pieces must be modern and fit in with the décor of the shop. My second client, The Cork, require 1 print of the city of bath, using manual photography and dark room techniques. The size of this piece depends on the size frame I am selected to fill.

What research will you conduct to start off your project?
I will research photographers in both film and digital photography, specializing in producing black and white images. I will also research other shows and write up any information on shows I have attended.

What camera techniques will you be using?
I will be using both digital and traditional film photography for this project. Each client requires a different technique but I will experiment with both techniques with both clients

What editing techniques will you be using?
For digital photography I will be able to use Photoshop to alter the images. When creating my piece for The Cork, I will be able to experiment with filters to edit my print.

What size/ shape will the final images be?
The size of my one piece for the cork is dependent on the frame I am selected to fill. My pieces for Fresh can be a size of my choice. I am going to produce them in a4-a3 depending on the frames, as there is a lot of space to fill.

How will the final images be presented?
My work with Fresh will be displayed on their wall during the Bath Fringe Festival. It will be advertised by being pointed out on a map that will be handed out, that will include other members in the class’s locations. My piece for The Cork will be displayed in a frame somewhere in the restaurant, and will be viewed during an organised night.

1 comment:

  1. Candidate has thought about what needs planning for the show.
