We visited the Saatchi Gallery in London in 2010. The gallery opened in 1985 and displays a mixture of both traditional and modern art. The space within each room in the museum is fluent throughout; White walls, grey floor and two or three images, statues or cabinets placed separately around them. I think the way they have decided not to cram lots of work in one room is strong as you are able to look at each piece individually and you are able to appreciate the work without clutter or advertisements. The ways in which work is displayed within the gallery is very unique. Some rooms have one large item hanging from the ceieling and others would hold just a pool of oil to create an illusion.

The work within the museum is strong and interesting, the small placards of information don’t distract you from the work, nor explain much about each piece so your perception of the images is left unquestioned. My favourite piece in the gallery was named ‘swarm’ which was displayed on a standing cabinet in the middle of a room accompanying work along the same theme by Jonathan Waterbridge. The piece contains many real insects hung from invisible string, with tiny model people riding on them. I think the piece is very unique and I have never seen anything similar before.

Very good assessment of use of space and exhibiting work.